Interview with Dr. Arif Habib, Author of ‘Bharat Ek Brand’


Buuks2Read thanks author Dr. Arif Habib from Bihar for giving his valuable time for the interview. Let us tell you that a book ‘Bharat Ek Brand’ by Dr. Arif Habib has been published recently by Taneesha Publishers, in which a synopsis value of Indian wellness and Indian goodness ingredients in middle East to the extent that “Al Hind” or India was seen as a brand for goodness elements. Author Dr. Arif Habib also shared with us the experiences of writing his book during the interview to Buuks2Read. Hope readers will love Dr. Arif Habib’s interview.

Interview with Arif Habib author of Bharat Ek Brand

Buuks2Read : We would like to thank you for giving us your valuable time for the interview. If you introduce yourself in your own words, our readers will know more about you.

Dr. Arif Habib : My background is 24 years in corporate leadership with ITC Ltd, Gillette India Ltd, Marico Ltd, Emami Ltd, London Dairy and St Botanica for India and Global country. Now I am a founder of my knowledge startup company called Global Ideaz Co mentoring young Indian startups to go abroad. I have also started writing books and Prachi Publishers are my first publishers of the book “Bharat ek Brand for startups” and “India is a wellness brand global customers”

Buuks2Read : One of your books has been published recently, would you like to tell about it, so that readers can know more about your book?

Dr. Arif Habib : Two books have been published namely ‘Bharat Ek Brand’ and ‘Indian Wellness is a Brand’. They talk about the huge potential of monetising india wellness equity for export startups.

Buuks2Read : How did you become inspired to publish the book or someone inspired you?

Dr. Arif Habib : I wanted to share what I have learnt in corporate life of 24 years and inspire Indian startups to contribute to national growth through startups and monetising india wellness equity of Ayurveda, wellness and your yoga and 500 billion dollar industry.

Buuks2Read : Your two books have been published within a short period of time, why should readers read them?

Dr. Arif Habib :  To understand what is the potential of Indian wellness equity in the world and how to use it for startups and promoting India exports.

Buuks2Read : What is the purpose of writing ‘Bharat Ek Brand’ that you want to accomplish through the book?

Dr. Arif Habib : Wanted to share my corporate  learning to young Indian population.

Buuks2Read : Would you like to share your experience from writing to publishing process with the readers?

Dr. Arif Habib : Writing is about passion and it should be done on impulse and not pushed for. I recommend prachi publishers for publication.

Buuks2Read : What is your first published book?

Dr. Arif Habib : ‘Bharat ek brand’ my first book and ‘Indian wellness is a brand’ second book. Third book is ‘Culture and International Business’.

Buuks2Read : Who among your friends or family or others gave you the most support during the writing of the book?

Dr. Arif Habib : My mother and my wife.

Author Arif Habib

Buuks2Read : In which genre do you do the most writing? And is it easy to write in this genre?

Dr. Arif Habib : Business management. It is easy if you share your corporate learnings in book writing rather than writing about theories.

Buuks2Read : What is a special achievement or memorable event in your life that you would like to share with our readers?

Dr. Arif Habib : Getting Gillette Hall of fame award and also the love I got from my customers and now from my readers and students.

Buuks2Read : Every writer has his own ideal, do you also have an ideal writer? And your favorite books that you always love to read?

Dr. Arif Habib : “Good to great” is a book from Jim Collins.

Buuks2Read : Would you like to say something on the rise of Indian writing?

Dr. Arif Habib : It is good than book writing has made a comeback by self publishing. But we need more young writers to write about the challenges of modern day life and dilemmas of youth today. It is not very well shared right now.

Buuks2Read : Apart from being a writer, what other hobbies do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Dr. Arif Habib : I love teaching students for free and guiding young people to find purpose and love in life.

Buuks2Read : Are you planning to write or publish any book in future? If yes! So would you like to tell on which topic or theme the next book will be based?

Dr. Arif Habib : Yes. It would go to Prachi Digital Publication. “Find the love of your life”.

Buuks2Read : Would you like to continue in the world of writing in the future?

Dr. Arif Habib : Yes

Buuks2Read : This is the last question, what message do you want to give to your dear well wishers, readers and fans?

Dr. Arif Habib : Follow your passion and do not live to die one day but live for a mission and passion.

Buy author’s book-

You can buy the book ‘Bharat Ek Brand’ authored by Dr. Arif Habib from your favorite e-commerce store-

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