The Buuks2Read team has an interview with Prashant Khandekar, author of the book ‘Uneasy Mind Made Easy’ published recently. Author Prashant Khandekar is a retired Air Marshal and has published three books so far. We tried to get to know his experiences during the interview and also got information about his books. Readers will surely like his interview. Readers can give their feedback through comments.
Buuks2Read : We want to thank you because you gave us your precious time to interview. If you introduce yourself in your own words, then our readers will know more about you?
Prashant Khandekar : I am retired Air Marshal from Indian Force. I am born and brought up in Nagpur Maharashtra and have done all my education till Engineering from Nagpur. My parents are both Professors of Physics and Geography respectively and are now in nineties.
Buuks2Read : When did you start writing and how did your interest in writing begin?
Prashant Khandekar : I have been contributing articles while in school and college. When I was posted to a training institute as an instructor, I had to make training notes on difficult systems of an aircraft. That gave me an insight into the reader’s mind as to what reader would like to read.
Buuks2Read : Do you remember your first writing?
Prashant Khandekar : Not really. It would have been sometime in sixth or seventh standard.
Buuks2Read : Can you tell us more about this book “Uneasy Mind Made Easy”?
Prashant Khandekar : I have mentioned in the Preface. My college friend used to send genuinely nice, soothing thoughts for the day by anonymous. I started compiling them from 2017 onwards as I felt their intrinsic value to be of permanent nature. Slowly, I started classifying them and then it was a question of sitting and completing the job.
Buuks2Read : What made you write in book ‘Uneasy Mind Made Easy’?
Prashant Khandekar : I found that in today’s world, everyone is stressed. He or she is ambitious, wants success in everything, happiness in everything, self-respect all times, which are distant. There are many occasions in a day when one feels let down, demoralised, dejected. Then there is a need to find some solace. Depending upon where one stays, ashrams, places of worships could be far away. Also, everything one can does not discuss with near and dear ones. So, I found a book of nice thoughts would help an individual to overcome a trauma, a bad experience, a sad moment and get recharged for a better tomorrow, every day.
Buuks2Read : Can I know the reason behind the title ‘ Uneasy Mind Made Easy’?
Prashant Khandekar : I thought of many titles and many suggestions also came. I wanted a title that directly makes an impact to the needy reader. Hence the name.
Buuks2Read : We have seen that some books have been published in your past. Would you like to provide information about those books?
Prashant Khandekar : My first book is titled “Under the Wings, On the Tarmac”. It covers my forty years of life in Indian Air Force. However, my childhood events are also getting covered in an oblique manner to arouse interest in reader and as one knows, your values and ethics are formed in the formative years based on the environment. It gives details how the path to the top is not easy and how one has to find his own way in conflicting situations.
The second book is titled TAJ (Technology, Aeroforce Jointmanship) Junk Box. It is a compilation of all my articles published at various points in time in many magazines and journals. It could fall under the category of academics, I suspect.
Buuks2Read : Want to share your experience with the readers, from the selection of creations to the publication process for your book?
Prashant Khandekar : Since this was my third book, I was aware about the nuances in publishing the book. Prachi Publishers have done an excellent job.
Buuks2Read : Every writer has his own Ideal, do you also have an Ideal writer or writer? And your favorite books that you will always want to read?
Prashant Khandekar : I like management books and those dealing with human behaviour. I do not have any specific writer in mind. Some of the books having lasting value are One Minute Manager series, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Who moved cheese away and so on.
Buuks2Read : Why is it you liked him, while there are numerous writers out there?
Prashant Khandekar : As I said, I do not have any specific writer in mind.
Buuks2Read : Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction?
Prashant Khandekar : I prefer non-fiction.
Buuks2Read : What are your other hobbies?
Prashant Khandekar : I enjoy visiting places, learn about the culture of the people there. I also like light music in the background.
Buuks2Read : Special achievement in your life, which you would like to share with us and your readers too?
Prashant Khandekar : I represented Vidarbha area in First Junior National Kho Kho championship held at Hyderabad in 1970. I am PG from NITIE Mumbai and M Sc (Def and Strat Studies) from Madras University. I have been Fellow of IIIE, AeSI, IETE and recipient of Distinguished Alumni Awards. I also have been Director of a DRDO Lab. I rose to highest rank an engineer can vie for in Indian Air Force and have been recipient of AVSM by the President of India.
Buuks2Read : Your advice to budding writers?
Prashant Khandekar : Just don’t worry. Just do it. Write what you feel and rest will take care of itself. Never hesitate to express. No one is a born author.
Buuks2Read : What do you wish to say to your readers?
Prashant Khandekar : Enjoy my book. Keep it your bedside. At the end of the day, just open any page; ponder over a thought or two and sleep well to face another promising day full of hope .
Buuks2Read : Where can readers get in touch with you?
Prashant Khandekar : They can access me on my email id which is mentioned in the book.
About the Book
‘Uneasy Mind Made Easy’ compiled inspirational and motivational quotes by the author, which will surely benefit the reader.
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